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Paid tips profit: 0.00
Paid tips yield: +0.0%
Average stake:4.3
Tips / month:1.5
Top position:#551
Average odds:1.54
Lazio is in her best shape and has the highest possibility of winning
Tipsters Top: #551 | |
Profit: -2.29 | Yield: -17.6% |
Total Tips: 3 | Followers: 1 |
Both teams have their top scorer on 10 goals each. Hamburger is a though challenge for Bochum but Bochum will strive hard since they are home
Tipsters Top: #551 | |
Profit: -2.29 | Yield: -17.6% |
Total Tips: 3 | Followers: 1 |
Tipsters Top: #551 | |
Profit: -2.29 | Yield: -17.6% |
Total Tips: 3 | Followers: 1 |